The voters, not the courts, should determine Trump’s fate

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This was published 5 months ago


The voters, not the courts, should determine Trump’s fate

The most freakish of Donald Trump’s many, many freakish talents is the ability to keep himself in the public eye, in the middle of things, or just plain in the way. And just when you think he’s reached terminal saturation, he manages to find some entirely unexpected way to shove himself back in the limelight.

The newest one: a sweeping decision, by the state Supreme Court of Colorado, that the former US president is not qualified to be on the state’s presidential ballot next year. The reason: a somewhat obscure amendment to the US Constitution that disqualifies from any further public office any elected or appointed official who, having sworn an oath to uphold the laws of the country, engaged in insurrection against it, or aided and abetted such an insurrection.

US presidential candidate Donald Trump can’t stay out of the news, which suits his agenda.

US presidential candidate Donald Trump can’t stay out of the news, which suits his agenda.Credit: AP

It dates back to the Civil War, and was designed to keep officials who sided with the South the heck out of government. Lawsuits challenging Trump on this point have been percolating up through various state courts since the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Thus far, results have been mixed because of various technical legal issues. Whatever the other states do, the ruling seems destined to be decided by the US Supreme Court.

The provision seems plain at face value but, as with so many issues around Trump, it’s not that simple. This is one of those political and legal issues that leaves nothing but questions.

For example, what, exactly, is an insurrection? And who gets to decide what an insurrection is? Does a candidate have to be convicted of a crime? If not, can a state or even a county election official essentially deem someone guilty unilaterally?

If a local official does remove a candidate because of this provision, is any entity allowed to reconsider or overrule that decision once it is made? Can that decision be appealed against and, if so, would this be a state or a federal matter? (In America, remember, elections are overseen on the local level.) And won’t all of this take up a lot of time in the middle of an election season?

And by the way, shouldn’t Congress have passed a law making all of this clear at some point?

The matter is pressing – Colorado is just weeks away from printing its primary ballots. Will the US Supreme Court take the case? If it does, will it expedite the matter ... or take its sweet time?


It all seems preposterous. Do we really want a system where a single state election officer or judge can keep a major candidate off that state’s ballot, perhaps making the presidency impossible to win? Surely, the Supreme Court will halt such an absurd situation.

Except for this: the trial judge, it turns out, duly took testimony, and decided as a matter of fact and law that Trump had indeed aided and abetted the attack on the Capitol, which itself was duly deemed to have been an insurrection. In the American legal system, that finding matters.


There are more complications, however. Those technical legal issues – they may have bite. Believe it or not, there’s a hot debate whether the US president actually qualifies as a “US official” under the provision. Another twist: the Supreme Court could conceivably approve the concept in principle but nevertheless rule that, say, the Colorado trial court had not given Trump proper due process in the matter.

None of that can obscure the dismal truth. Even if the US Supreme Court does rule that Trump is an insurrectionist who can’t hold office again, the Republican primary will continue. And Trump, inevitably, will be at the centre of the campaign, with second-tier Republican presidential nominees such as Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis pushing past each other to declaim the loudest that they will pardon Trump for his crimes, or that they will use him as their chief adviser, despite the ruling. He’s not going to go away.

Yes, it is unthinkable that a major party presidential candidate has been found to have risen up against the government he had sworn to protect, but that is where we are as the 2024 election looms.

I suspect the Supreme Court will find a reason, even a technical one, to keep Trump on the ballot – not for political reasons, but because of the tangle of political chaos that will ensue if the Colorado disqualification stands. It will be a wise decision.

The only thing that will, finally, make Donald Trump go away is a resounding, historic and final defeat at the polls. That’s something the American people have to accomplish, not a court.

Bill Wyman is a former assistant managing editor of National Public Radio in Washington, DC. He lectures in journalism at the University of Sydney.

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